If you have a special place in your room that is perfect for hanging a religious item, we encourage you to buy Wall Crosses and Crucifixes – they will make sure God is present in your home. What you’ll have to do is use a nail or a screw – that’s it. The pricing is competitive, the variety is wide. Sometimes, all it takes to “merge” with a certain cross/crucifix is the right material and design. So, make sure you pick one that lifts your spirit and touches your heart. And while crosses are more popular in homes across the world, crucifixes carry a much stronger message and that is why you’ll find them on the walls of Christian churches.
The cross of Jesus Christ, our Savior, is a symbol of the greatest sacrifice in history. He gave his own life for our sake, and there is no love bigger and stronger than that. In our chaotic and dangerous world, the image of Christ gives us hope for a better future and educates us on how to be humble and thankful for His love. Bear your cross with pride and help others in need. If you want to buy Wall Crosses and Crucifixes for friends, go to the respective section on the website and check out the collection.
In your own house, hang them over the doorframe, or, say, above your bed so that it will guide and enlighten you. Many people buy Wall Crosses and Crucifixes to protect their children and place them in their rooms. The Western crucifixes are more complicated than the ones in Eastern Orthodoxy. They come with a 3-dimensional image of Jesus – the corpus – while in EO his body is usually painted over the cross. If the image of God’s Son is a stronger symbol of faith for you than a simple cross, then you should buy a crucifix.